Friday, May 04, 2007

Happy Friday

What could be better? Friday, perfect weather, met my work deadline so I could saunter out of the building on time. I guess it would be even better if it was also pay day, but I really can't complain.

I went to visit Miss Vivian after work today to see how much she had changed in a week. You couldn't prove it with this picture, but she's more alert and even prettier than last week. Her skins looks so pretty, and she opened her eyes and communicated with me a little. She likes bright colors and music and has already been to Target. Please note how she makes the afghan I made for her look fabulous. I took several pictures and will load them on on my Flickr Gallery. Just click on the sidebar link; I'll put her in a set by herself. I didn't get a good picture with her eyes open though - I didn't want to flash her too much.

I saw the oddest thing when I went in to work this morning. There is a new "church" near our building that has only been there about a year. As I drove up this morning I noticed that Godzilla and King Kong were on the roof. I was going to report to Richard that I noticed that Saint Anyone's was lacking this important invitation to worship, when one of the guys in my office pointed out that it was a 5 year anniversary thing. I guess a like display was on a Catholic church in 5 AD and I just missed it. Still, I am having a lot of trouble making the connection.

This is the one week out of the year when it becomes obvious why I planted the "Lavender Dream" rose in the shade. The color of the flowers matches exactly my "Roseum Elegans" Rhododendron and they bloom at the exact same time. The rest of the year the rose hangs on in discontent while I feel sorry for it, but this week they are perfect together.

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