Finally the move is over! Now my living room looks like this. I thought I might be blogging from here on Saturday, or maybe even Friday night, but we had a delay in getting the miracle of cable, and therefore my
Internet connection. Additional requirements needed to sign up for long distance service were not met by our providers, so we had to reschedule our installation. We did not end up with cable service until yesterday. I had taken a few days off to get our new home in order, so I was going to be around anyway. Since the cable also provides our
Internet and phone service we were reduced to communicating via cell phone (like the pioneers!). Other than the cable delay everything went smoothly. The only thing I have looked for but not found is Shana's
fm antenna for her stereo system. I just today found the "
farmacia", our stock of non-prescription
meds. The
Ibuprofen has been sorely (!) missed. Today is my last day off before I go back to work, and I have two boxes of miscellaneous crap and one box of gift wrapping supplies to unpack or throw out left. Shana has three boxes of books waiting to be unpacked, and we have some art to hang. I've got all the
electronics hooked up and working, including email, which always seem to blow up when we move or change hardware. We even had the Humps for dinner last night (a little crazy since we had to look for everything). I guess we are officially moved in!

Saturday I took a little time out to meet Alex, Jamie and Vivian downtown to tour the
Myriad Gardens. Jamie packed us a picnic lunch of sandwiches and frozen fruit bars, which we enjoyed under the shady trees. We walked around for a while, enjoying the lovely plantings and the cool breeze. We were fortunate enough to have a sunny but cool day to visit the gardens. Then we went into the Crystal Bridge to enjoy the tropical gardens. It was just spectacularly beautiful. The facility has been renovated, after a long closing. It's full of butterflies and fabulous orchids. The plantings are gorgeous - all shapes and colors of tropical foliage

and flowers. There are pools, little streams, cute little lizards and lovely waterfalls - just the place to restore me during a hectic weekend.
Vivian seemed to enjoy it - especially any yellow flowers. She grabbed at everything in reach. My sunglasses were items of special interest. Of course anything she got hold of went immediately to the mouth! After the Crystal Bridge we went outside to see the Koi. The Myriad Gardens has been in place now for many years, and the Koi were some of the first features. They have grown over the years and are just spectacular. Some of them look to be at least 10 pounds.
Needless to say, no crafting has taken place this weekend. I have set up my craft room (!) so I can find everything, but my book shelf looks like I stood across the room and threw books at it, so some work needs to be done there. I packed my books by size, to get the most into each box. This was not helpful when it was time to shelve them. Tomorrow it's back to work, and since it's Wednesday, it's back on the bike to ride the hills. Life will be normal again, so I should have some crafty time available.
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