I've been so busy settling in that I have not felt at all like blogging about it, but in the interests of continuity I've dragged myself over to the 'puter to get a little something out there. Some of it is so mundane that I can hardly expect it to make good reading (how much excitement is a new broom likely to generate, really?), and in some ways it's such a big change that I haven't digested it yet. This week I was able to go home over lunch to let the dog out, something I really have not been able to do for ten years. Roxy has really been enjoying that. She and I are enjoying some new walking routes: a very nice one through a nearby park for the morning, and one that goes around a large school property in the evening. Those are our favorites for now, but I'm sure we'll find others we like. We are really close to a golf course, but I have not yet seen a way in. I suspect it's well fenced.
I have yet to actually put the room to work for anything more creative than uploading pictures or blogging, but it's convenient and bright and I know it's going to work out great. All of my supplies are in the same room, from gift wrap to fabric stash. If I am short of surfaces for a big project I'll bring the camp table in for a temporary workspace. Now all I need is to get back in a creative mood. I'm thinking I'll sit down to knit this evening.
The camp table is going for a trip next weekend, to Beavers Bend State Park. Our menus were finalized over breakfast yesterday, and I think I can find all of our equipment. One crucial decision about the menu involved thinking of some item which would require the use of a camp OVEN. Yes, this is how our minds work. All I have to do between now and then is decide how many bikes we need to take and what kind of sock project will be fun. I'm hoping that Shana's car won't be in the shop over the weekend, because I have my little Focus back and although I can get our camping equipment in it, the fit is a really snug one.
The Lexus was totaled after all, and we all had to swap cars back. I'm afraid Alex got the worst end of that deal, because his truck needs some repairs and he was really enjoying having the little and cheap to run Focus. The lack of back seat presents some giant challenges for going anywhere with the baby. Shana's car needs something which will surely be warranty work, but which might require a wait for a part. It's such a pain that the bus service here is so bad. What should be little problems get the be big issues.
Nancy's camera is sick, so she brought Rita and her Christmas gift from Inace over for photos. Inace got Rita a butterfly kit - you get the little cage, etc., and send away for the caterpillars when the weather is suitable. After you get them they eat and grow and go into their little chrysalises and emerge as beautiful butterflies. She got Painted Ladies, which are very pretty, but do not live for a very long time.
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