I've been surprisingly consistent (for me) in posting blog entries with one, or at least limited, topics. It's not really like me - I love a good tangent better than I should. I ended up with a lot of odds and ends pictures, some of which I upload to Flickr and some I just let hang around on my computer until I need a little something for a post without much visual interest. I am not counting the random Roxy pictures because someone I know rather well does not feel that a post is complete unless there is a picture of The Amazing Roxanne. I had such a fractured day yesterday and had some interesting pictures to go along, so I thought I might indulge in an oddly assorted post.

Yesterday I was out & about a fair amount and the pictures I took of my various activities do not go together at all. First I went to the fall open house at the Little Farm on Cape Cod with my knitting group. The farm owner is a new member of our group, and her farm is just lovely. We got to see various farm animals - the usual horses plus alpacas (one was a teeny new baby!) ducks and masses of chickens. The chickens were in their run, but responded very enthusiastically to my offers of plantain leaves. Big fun and of course I NEED my own chickens. There were all kinds of chickens in the pen but I'm featuring this picture so Richard can enjoy the beaky terror (Say thank you!). The weather was perfect and we all had a great time. Joan keeps a little store in the farm where local products are for sale - handspun from the farm's alpacas and also hand dyed yarn, local honey and jam, jewelry, bread, goats' milk soap (very nice for dry skin and free of all kinds of additives) and other goats' milk products. It's a sweet little store and the locals who produced the merchandise were on hand to answer questions and visit with us.

After I came home I needed to run up to the pharmacy to pick up some antibiotics to treat a tick bite which did not look good to Doctor Lisa. We arrived at the better safe than sorry position based on the comparison of effects from an unneeded dose of doxycycline vs the effect of Lyme Disease. Lyme if very common here and nothing to play with. On the way to the drug store I passed a cranberry bog and noticed that they were doing a water harvest. I had promised my friend Sharon in Oklahoma I would send her a picture of a cranberry harvest if I saw one. Of course it was the one time in the last three months when I had neither camera nor phone with me, so back I went to get both.
her head is in the bush but I got the tick. No fair! |
While I was out taking cranberry pictures I stopped to take pictures at Wakeby Cemetery aka Sandwich Goodspeed Cemetery. I pass it often, in fact there are a lot of these tiny old plots all over the Cape and they are all interesting places. I had always intended to stop in and take a few pictures, so with camera in hand coming back from the bog I stopped to take a little peek and a few snaps.
There is still knitting going on. I am currently reknitting a hat that I made this spring. I chose the wrong size and it was like a wastebasket on my head. I just clipped the top and am now knitting the new (4" smaller version) right off the old giant one. Too lazy to reskein it!
Sounds like you've been busy -- a good busy!
You are wise to take precautions on the tick thing. Oh, sure they're tasty, but these days I just avoid them altogether.
Super chicken photo. Thanks for the respite from politics which hardly give me a break. Good angle on these too.
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