The sheep shearing and herding demos were especially interesting. I've seen these activities on film but never in person (or this close to the action!). There were chickens present, which would have been an additional inducement had I not already planned to go for the pleasure of an afternoon with friends and the possibility of adding a skein of handspun to my stash.
It was just one of the entertainments this weekend provided. Shana and I went out to see Super 8 at the local cinema pub, followed by a nice dinner in downtown Falmouth. I can recommend the movie - a nice take on the classic unlikely hero movie. We also went to Acapulco's Mexican Restaurant in Yarmouth tonight, which I can recommend. Mexican food on The Cape is pretty thin on the ground and generally unpalatable.
Eighteen days until we close on our house, and a good thing too. I start a part time job Wednesday and so far I have been unable to find any of the clothes I have in storage. They seem to be on the bottom of the huge pile of boxes, and I have only one pair of work pants with me.
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