After the
slammin' Day One sale Day Two was pretty quiet. We did sell quite a few things at reduced prices, but the cash take was not large. It was certainly enough to pay for our time, but hardly overwhelming. I brought out my knitting, and Sharon B came by to visit, which passed the time pleasantly. Soon the rain came. We had been having occasional tiny "teaser" showers since Day One, but by 3:00 Day Two it was clear that the good weather was over. We had
tarped everything still out on the driveway for a while, but it was getting darker and darker and finally the rain started pouring down. We went inside, leaving one garage door open in case an intrepid shopper or two showed up. When the rain stopped we pulled everything left over inside. Sunday afternoon we packed up everything and with some help hauled everything over to
Epworth United Methodist to sell in their thrift shop. Our garage is now nearly empty, a sight I have not seen for 10 years. the house is still in hideous shape, but at least it is beginning to look like it
could be packed and ready to move on time. By crazy people, but still possible.
Rita stayed with us through the garage sale, both the preparation and both days of the event. She enjoyed all the activity and traffic and especially helped me by pointing out several times a day that my face is breaking out. Between the stress and the heat I am getting adolescent pizza face. Can't be helped, but I was trying to just ignore it.

I've also got the better part of a sock to show for my afternoons sitting in the driveway gabbing with the customers. I worked on the garter rib sock, which will now cycle in to the "lunchtime knitting" slot. I will probably start another easy sock next week to take to Hotter N Hell next weekend. I will want something pretty but undemanding to knit in the car coming and going. I can hardly wait to pack up for Wichita Falls! We are going to have so much fun!!! Shana's got a cute new jersey to match her bike. I think my exciting indulgence will have to be a new sports bra, my favorite black one being a purchase I made in 1989.
1 comment:
Good words.
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