Today's the day we take off for Wichita Falls and the Hotter N Hell. I can hardly wait - which probably makes me an official Crazy Person. To be fair, this is my summer vacation trip this year, so even though it's only a three day weekend I mean to make the most of it. It's a WAACO Weekend, and all of us are keyed up for it. Shana's going for the 100K and I'm hoping to get my century on this ride. Looks like we got lucky as regards the weather, so the rest is up to us. Starting time is 7:00 am tomorrow.
Alex stopped by the office with Miss Vivian this week. She's a sound little car sleeper, so she was not really glad to see me because I was the one so rudely waking her up, but she was mighty cute. I did pry a sweet smile out of her later, but not in time for a cute picture. She was annoyed with me because I had not only spotted the rice cake crumb she had hidden in her neck folds for later, but I actually tried to get it out! The nerve of me.
Official traveling socks of the Hotter N Hell will be the garter rib
socks I have already started after all. They are pretty mindless, and besides I am just past the cuff ribbing on the second sock. Obviously this is not a new picture of my progress! I might as well press on. I'm not so crazy about the flashing (anyone know what stitch count this yarn is intended for?), but the Knit Picks Dancing makes a comfortable sock, and with the cotton content it suits a variety of temperatures. I must admit part of the reason why this sock is coming along is because the next yarn I want to use is still in the skein and needs to be wound into center-pulls. Lazy me. I also have not selected a pattern, and I don't think it's going to be mindless enough for a traveling sock. I'm taking the Jigsaw sock along as back up - I am nearly all the way down the foot on the first sock on that one. It's not mindless, but I think I can follow that chart in the car. Why I cannot memorize a pattern is beyond me. My excuse with this sock is that it's an 18 row repeat and while it's easy to follow I apparently have holes in my head that let the pattern out. Every time a more accomplished knitter says "the lace pattern has a short repeat so once I memorized it I could take it on the subway" I want to grind my teeth and pull out my hair. I went through the entire Kimono Shawl with the chart by my side. This may be a skill I never have.
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