I had not intended to stop because I was not wearing a coat and had on unsuitable footwear for walking. Clogs are a poor enough choice for rough terrain, but add to that the fact that I am (still) nursing a broken toe and you have a recipe for an uncomfortable walk. I thought about just going home but Roxy was so happy to walk even around the grocery parking lot that I did not want to deny her one of her favorite outings: a walk in the woods. We chose Lowell Holly this time. The day was brilliantly sunny and Roxy was so happy to be out in the forest again. I was warm enough, and relished a few minutes in the sun all the more because colder weather arrives tomorrow. The long grey days have been getting to me and sun is the only cure.
This weekend we are back in the box with a forecast of snow. I am hoping for snow without the usual nor'easter weather because there has been such damage to the coast this winter. Many beaches and homes have been damaged and many homes have had to be destroyed. A sad winter indeed.
I'm still knitting and wearing cozy woolly accessories. I am likely to finish Shana's convertible mittens today, then will go back to a pair of silk and wool gauntlets that I had already started. We are planning to go into Boston for the St. Patrick's Day parade, which will be another occasion to flaunt cozy handknits because the weather forecast is for temperatures in the 30's. Only long time Boise residents would ever consider that comfortably cool.
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