Must be done before the end of this year: Register my car in Massachusetts, transfer my drivers' license to Mass and register to vote in Massachusetts.
Unfinished business from 2010:
-Clothing for Mr. Foster (unfinished Xmas gift, should be finished ASAP)
Unfinished business from 2011:
-Finish painting the trim in the bedroom.
-Make Blinds for the bathroom.
-Consider painting the nightstands
-Purchase another shelving unit for the basement and unpack the crystal and china.
-Get the bicycles settled in the basement so there is a place in the shed for the lawnmower.
New Business for 2012
-Get workouts into my routine.
-Get cycling into my routine.
-Locate and purchase kayaks.
-Paint the workbench and arrange for improved lighting.
-Sand and seal kitchen cabinets.
-Get the guy out for the septic.
-Plan front yard island shrub bed and shrub border. Island bed will be priority installation.
-Design and plant first phase of cutting garden behind/around shed. This will need to be largely started from seed for monetary considerations, but I can supplement from House of Dobberteen and a few grown plants. This project can get started right away & enlarged as feasible.
-Thrift, scavenge and/or create items for a picture wall in the living room.
This resembles resolutions without actually being resolutions.
I'll be in Oklahoma City January 15-19, Brighton CO 19-22. I'll be mainly visiting family, but I'd love to meet for coffee or a meal. I had a crisis with my phone what lost half of my address book, so if you haven't heard from me lately but wanted to let me know or call me.
Oh my!!! You are so ambitious!!! I just want to try to be more organized.
I don't make resolutions, but I do make Project lists. Love it when a big project is finished and I can cross it off the list. My big project last year was to finish the book I had been working on for my children and grandchildren. What a thrill watch them open it on Christmas, and even more of a thrill to see them reading it during the day. Love your Blog. bkj
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