So far I have made up three pair of socks (I want to keep one but it's not looking good), a cowl, a scarf, two hats (one mine) and a baby afghan. Not great. I have most of a scarf for myself finished, half of a hat (actually it's a complete Calorimetry but I want to put a flower on it). I still have hopes of completing a few more hats and since they won't all need to be shipped I have enough time, I think. I really do have plenty of time to knit, but I get distracted by the Internet (ooooh, shiny!).
Two of my finished objects are both basic and black, so not photogenic. I finished reknitting Wurm in a size that should fit, but I need someone to take a picture of me in it because it doesn't look like much empty and does not fit the dog. The dreaded bathroom pictures look BAD - it seemed fine before I washed it but it might still be way too big and I'm not sure what to do about it short of felting the thing.
1 comment:
Hats are always fun.
You've done well with your knitting, I reckon. The baby blanket is very cheery and the pattern beautiful. I Love the way you've edged it.
Did you manage to keep a pair of socks for yourself?
Best wishes with you travel plans. Lots of flights aren't cancelled unless there is a blizzard. We can cross our fingers that THAT doesn't happen.
Love the cute tree. They get HUGE here.
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