This weekend Shana and I have to select a sink and faucets for the bathroom and kitchen and the shower plumbing fixtures. I suppose if we want indoor plumbing again we will have to select a toilet. Shana will be pleased to know that the old toilet has been hauled away so I can't use it as a planter. So disappointing!
In the meantime I am amusing myself in the yard weeding and planting. Last weekend I planted somethings from my MIL's garden (and will be taking some additional plants as time and space permit). Today I purchased a few new things from Mahoney's Garden Center - my first plant purchases in Massachusetts. I had been in before to scope out the place and tried to stick to my list of must-haves: one Japanese painted fern and one sum and substance hosta. I succumbed to two beautiful gloriosa daisies of a variety I had not seen before - golden centers instead of red and very striking, and two gorgeous wine colored astilbes. I could easily have filled my car! The daisies are pretty mature plants, but I contented myself with 4" pots for the rest.
Glad they started the project and gladder that they are on task. Your flowers sound lovely!!!
For some reason I am taken with the idea of one's own Port-a-Potty. All in all am impressed with your energy around the move and hope you give yourself permission to crash every now and then.
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