Tuesday, March 29, 2011
The Butter Bell Issue, Plus Swans
Monday, March 28, 2011
Everybody Needs a Goal
Everyone should have a goal to work towards. So often we work and work on projects that have no meaning for others, or that bring us actual ridicule. This little video points this out beautifully:
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Live From Cape Cod

We have come to appreciate the quality of Lodge cast iron cookware, but I had not had the opportunity to see their enameled line - it's good looking and very well priced. We did pick up some carrier bags, stands and cookbooks for Shana's existing collection of campfire ovens but were able to resist the other offerings. I must confess I nearly purchased a couple of small fry pans, and may yet order them.

I was very pleased that we were staying next door to Ikea - I'd enjoyed browsing their website but had never been to one of their stores. We got a lot of ideas for decorating the cottage we hope to have in the future, but the store has so much in every category it was overwhelming.
Our route took us up the east side of the Appalachians, through Virginia, West Virgina, Maryland, Connecticut, Rhode Island and finally Massachusetts. I had not been that way before, so it was a treat to see new scenery. It was lovely, but we missed spring. When we left Oklahoma the daffodils were just about over but here they have not bloomed yet.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
We've Been to Graceland
The weather was warm, so I planned to walk around with Roxy while Shana enjoyed the tour rather than leave Roxy in the car. I'm not a fan, but Shana is, and she was really looking forward to taking the tour.
She was even more pleased after we checked into our hotel. The lobby is all Elvis, the pool is guitar shaped, every time you step outside you are serenaded with Elvis music, and the pool is guitar shaped. We have Elvis overlooking our bed (really nice room)
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Farewell to the Plains
It's been fun, in a condensed and crazy sort of way. We've had house guests, and every sort of meal possible. We've even got someone coming by tomorrow morning before the truck comes to give us a travel "care package". We're hoping to add some of the cafes and barbecue joints featured on the Food Channel to our road trip. By the time we arrive at our destination we may not want another restaurant meal or treat for six months.
I'm hoping we have enough available WiFi on our trip to get a post up with some pictures most days, but if I don't I will get my pictures up as soon as we get settled on the Cape. I expect the trip to be very scenic and enjoyable, so we are planning to take our time.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Get Your Kicks on Route 66

Shana and I stopped there for dinner today, as part of our tour of restaurants we will miss once we leave Oklahoma.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Happy St. Patrick's Day
I've given up pointing out to people that "Paddy" is an insulting and racist word to an Irish person. Instead I will just thank the beautiful green island of Ireland for my round Irish face, my stock-in-trade of words and the love of reading, and a lifelong love of Celtic music. I will also point out that it was the Irish and their love of learning (held in trust by the much maligned Catholic church) who kept civilization ready to be restored after the fall of the Roman Empire gave way to the conquests of the Huns and Germanic tribes who ushered in the Dark Ages. You can read about it here.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Bumpy Road
I'm watching the nuclear story in Japan with fascination and dread, knowing that like all things having to do with nuclear power plants we are not being told the truth and that the full truth will not be known for many years because of the time it takes for some injuries to manifest. I've been undecided about nuclear power plants. I can see the value, but questions of design and safety are not openly addressed. Like so many things, questions of profitability make obfuscation the default.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
March Madness in My Garage
The first picture is a representative sample - about a third of our beginning inventory less a few additional pieces we brought out of the house after we started. The second picture is what we had left afterwards - just fills the back section of my Escape with all the seats up. We had the benefit of a few other sales in the neighborhood and perfect weather. Sales were brisk, we made plenty of money, and lots of things are out of the way. When Alex comes next week to take the things he wanted we will be sitting around on lawn chairs!
Wednesday, March 09, 2011
Moving Decor
With the garage sale looming and our helper coming in the next couple of days to sort and price we just couldn't wait any longer to move out the furniture we planned to sell.
This means that my Man Cave furnishings now consist of a few boxes and this attractive office setup. Seating is strictly floor level. This does make it easier to cut down on the online games!
The front room is totally full of boxes since it's my main staging area for packed goods. The den was in pretty civilized condition until this morning. I was trying to keep it in original condition as long as possible so Shana could have a calm space but today we had to change our arrangements for an entertainment center. Very High Tech Minimal, I thought.
I had Suitcase Rehearsal this morning to see what might actually fit in the car and we each know how many items we can each bring. Shana's not sure that she needs to have a tote bag, and I don't know how I will choose only one. Typical. I had a temporary freak out moment when I could not find either of my cameras. I finally found one, and since it is the one I want for the drive to Massachusetts I'm less worried about the other, I think it's in my giant tote bag with my batteries, tarot cards, and other assorted urgently needed junk.
This means that my Man Cave furnishings now consist of a few boxes and this attractive office setup. Seating is strictly floor level. This does make it easier to cut down on the online games!
The front room is totally full of boxes since it's my main staging area for packed goods. The den was in pretty civilized condition until this morning. I was trying to keep it in original condition as long as possible so Shana could have a calm space but today we had to change our arrangements for an entertainment center. Very High Tech Minimal, I thought.
I had Suitcase Rehearsal this morning to see what might actually fit in the car and we each know how many items we can each bring. Shana's not sure that she needs to have a tote bag, and I don't know how I will choose only one. Typical. I had a temporary freak out moment when I could not find either of my cameras. I finally found one, and since it is the one I want for the drive to Massachusetts I'm less worried about the other, I think it's in my giant tote bag with my batteries, tarot cards, and other assorted urgently needed junk.
Monday, March 07, 2011
Sunday, March 06, 2011
A Family Farewell to Inace
This weekend we had a family memorial service for Inace instead of a more public service. It was held at the home of one of her brothers; her surviving siblings and many of her nieces and nephews were in attendance. The flower arrangements Nancy arranged for were beautiful and appropriate but not overwhelming - just the right touch. The officiant had presided over other family occasions and was familiar to everyone, and two of her sisters spoke about their shared experiences. The service was simple and informal, and I think it was a great comfort to everyone.
Due to a technical problem we were not able to include a video collection of old photos in the actual service, but James stepped in to solve the problem and we were able to watch it later. I think that was actually better because by the time we saw the video everyone had been visiting and relaxing and the video closed the evening with shared memories and laughter while viewing pictures many of us had not seen for a long time.
The evening was a comforting affirmation of family and the kind of celebration of life that is often wished for but sometimes difficult to achieve.
As usual I took a lot of pictures for people to enjoy later. Some people were happier about this than others. The Unknown Cousin was one of those less pleased with my efforts!
Due to a technical problem we were not able to include a video collection of old photos in the actual service, but James stepped in to solve the problem and we were able to watch it later. I think that was actually better because by the time we saw the video everyone had been visiting and relaxing and the video closed the evening with shared memories and laughter while viewing pictures many of us had not seen for a long time.
As usual I took a lot of pictures for people to enjoy later. Some people were happier about this than others. The Unknown Cousin was one of those less pleased with my efforts!
Thursday, March 03, 2011
Roxy Strikes Again
My house is currently in a state of uproar, which makes Roxy uneasy and given to bad behavior (I know, unbelievable). For several week I've had a small stack of handwritten recipes sitting in easy dog reach on a box in the corner of my "man cave" which I intended to put into that box. Yesterday I moved the box into the staging area where sealed boxes are collected and moved the recipes into the empty bookcase where I am putting odd things which need to be considered or packed. Then I went out for dinner. This is the result. I'd kill her, but then she'd just haunt me.
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