Thursday, September 24, 2009

Life's a Beach

Although every day on Marco Island seems like a precious and singular jewel, a large part of the fun lies in every day being somehow exactly the same. Every year's visit is very like every other, which somehow makes the week seem longer in a funny way because the years run together. We go to Walgreen's or CVS nearly every day. We go to the beach store nearly every day and examine their entire stock minutely although it's always pretty much the same from year to year. We go to Publix (Where Shopping is a Pleasure) and express surprise and envy every single time that you can buy wine there. We take a cocktail to the beach nearly every night, and eat breakfast on the balcony every morning. We pass Garage Man four times a day and wave every time whether he is there or not. Garage man is a retired Navy man who sits in his garage on an old seat rescued from a long gone van watching the traffic. One time we stopped by his house to take a picture and meet him. How I wish it had not been a cell phone picture, but at the time the point had been to get a picture of him to send by phone to make Shelley laugh because she couldn't come to Marco that year. We were so far out of season this trip that some of our favorite restaurants were closed for the month and one other was gone because it blew away in a hurricane a couple of years ago. We were forced to go to NEW PLACES. The sheer adventure of it nearly killed us.

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