This weekend Shana and I have dropped out of social activity for a minute. No football party, no family dinner, no Meet-up-at-Starbucks, camping trip, cycling event, spinning class, potluck. Nothing. Beautiful, relaxing nothing. Shana actually has a couple of work related events: a seminar and a softball game. All time not required for those events we are spending hanging out together and resting up. We may cruise over to Home Depot for some barbecue supplies and a peek at their pots (my tropicals are going to have to come inside really soon). I've been able to set aside some quality knitting old movie and napping time. Monday should find me rested and restored, with a better idea of what the coming weeks will mean in terms of holiday crafting.
I've put in a few more inches of the Big Bad Baby Blanket. It is probably about a third done. I've pushed it back a bit because it's a little hard on my wrists and will not be needed until after the first of the year anyway. I'm picking it up for a row or two a day, but no more than that. I'm well past the gusset of the second Jigsaw sock, still no more than half of the inside of a pocket of the cabled stole. Lots of knitting, no finished objects. Yesterday I added the Marsan Watch Cap to the works in progress. Like most caps, it's a quick knit and I'm really liking it. In black chunky Wool-Ease it's moving right along, and the twisted ribbing looks great. Shana says it's a good-looking hat. I should be into the decreases today, and may be finished tonight all things being equal. The challenge is going to be to get a good picture that won't turn this good-looking hat into a mysterious featureless black blob.
I should be back next week with more pictures, etc., but for now I am enjoying my weekend as the Laziest Woman on Earth. Peace On.
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