Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Extra Knitting Time

Once again we are having snow. Rain was forecast but snow it is, and currently falling at the rate of an inch per hour. My work shift today was canceled because snow will drop customers off the face of the earth & I won't be needed.  I am hoping for a change of precipitation and soon. Last weekend we got about fourteen inches, canceling a trip to town we had planned for Saturday. Driving home in a blizzard was not appealing and a trip to the Museum of Science, while attractive, was not an emergency. We stayed in and messed around with cooking, knitting, reading, and watching the Olympics. Shana had a nice time with the snow blower so we do have the use of the driveway, but the dogs are pretty much confined to a small area outside. Short legs are a disadvantage.

I am finding the Olympics a bit boring, to tell the truth. This is unusual because usually I can watch any kind of outre sport for two weeks. I've been planted in front of the TV for hours at a time because I have a lot of knitting projects in the works, so I feel like I have watched a representative sample. The most exciting thing I have seen is Bob Costa's eyeballs. The new Ice Dancing with the compulsory dances stripped out reads like "Pairs Lite" to me and the tiny number of skaters featured in the prime time coverage does not give you enough background to have any idea what you might be looking for in a medalist. The Johnny Weir/Tara Lipinski daytime live coverage has been the only high point in skating coverage for me. They are so fresh and cute together, especially with their coordinated outfits.

I've fallen back on On Demand for knitting entertainment. I've caught a lot of second rate movies, most of True Detective (good, but odd), and am slogging through Deadwood. In TV shows there are all kinds of things I've never seen before. With every cable network coming up with original content there is no way I will ever see everything. What seems to happen is I have watched 2 episodes of hundreds of shows and don't know what's going on in any of them. No matter. I'm making progress on my pile of projects. My sweater is past the bust increases and headed for the shoulders, the baby blanket is complete, the first sock of my current pair is into the heel flap, and I have started winding yarn for fancy mittens. Yes, I am getting ready to start something else. Clearly I have lost my mind. My only defence is that I generally only knit for myself during the first half of the year. July 1 I change over to gift knitting. I am also making plans for this year's garden, which will take plenty of time, and we will have house guests in June. I had a lot of things I wanted to knit for myself and I feel like I have some serious deadlines if I hope to complete them.

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