Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas 2013

Our personal Christmas celebration is underway here on beautiful Cape Cod. Shana and I have both taken a few days off together to enjoy the holiday. Originally we had intended to use the time for a trip to New Hampshire, but some car repairs and good sense intervened to we are staying close to home. Today we are hanging around the house enjoying restful idleness and a few household chores. I can now identify where all of my sweaters live, and they are all appropriately folded. This does not sound thrilling unless you are trying to get dressed in a hurry. In a few minutes I will be making up a recipe of my go to rolls - butterhorns. Half of the recipe will become cinnamon rolls for our Christmas breakfast; the rest of the recipe will turn into rolls to take to Christmas dinner tomorrow.  Later we will head out for a festive cocktail at a waterfront restaurant and dinner at an Indian restaurant.

Tomorrow it will be coffee and rolls with our breakfast, a walk for the dogs, and I hope to be able to connect for Face Time visits with kids and grandkids. At some point I will bake a pear pie and a sweet potato casserole to take out. Later I will be enjoying dinner and board games with friends, to be followed by a movie (at this point I think it will be The Hobbit).

The 26th and 27th Shana and I will be out and about, maybe to Boston, maybe to Providence. Either way it will be sightseeing and feasting together with no schedule to keep. I hope all my family and friends have a similarly pleasant holiday with love and laughter and NO DRAMA!

 For the convenience of anyone who has been really busy and not  yet selected my gift I am including a few selections from the Boston Museum of Fine Art. I would be happy to accept any or all of these pretty things!

1 comment:

jaykaym said...

Your Christmas sounds marvelous. Enjoy the peace of the season. At my house we are experiencing all of our family traditions, including all the traditional drama. Happy Holidays!